Word Power

Words have power.

Hearing what you’ve known all along cements an idea, a theory, a diagnosis, a design.

Once it was only a thought. Maybe fleeting, maybe it took up residence in your head daily or maybe it was just a moment in your thinking process. But once those words are spoken, especially when spoken or confirmed by another, their existence goes from imaginary to reality.

These can be exciting, invigorating, humiliating, heartbreaking, exhausting or insulting but they now, are.

Words spoken cannot be taken back. They can be twisted, manipulated or ignored, but they don’t cease to exist.

An idea can grow in your mind, but without speaking it, it can also die there. Or you can make up alternate scenarios. Once spoken and shared with another, however, those freedoms cease to exist any longer.

There are many words, too many to count when you think about all of the languages that exist or ever have been spoken.

Words and thoughts and phrases all affect each human on this planet differently, based on their experiences, where they are in life and what they thought might be said.

What lifts you up and empowers you may break someone else’s heart. Be mindful of that.

What hurts you may help heal someone else, respect that.

What isn’t said but only thought may hurt more once the words finally pass your brave lips. But they will have been said and have been made real.

Those words have power. But how much you give them is up to you. And how you react and you change them is also up to you.

So cry a little. Dance a little. Sing a little and nap a little.

Pray a lot, love more and make your next words kinder, braver and more meaningful.

You never know whose reality you might change.



