
The new year brings a time for change, reflections and preponderances. We often think back on what we could do better, what we could have done more (or less) of. We think about so much. But let me tell you something; every year that you live to see change to the next is a success. Your survival is sometimes all you can do for a moment and that is ok.

I don’t condone only surviving forever Physically and mentally we need to live and be and do wonderful things in life as we are able. We shouldn’t be our own personal jailers. But if last year all you did was survive, so be it.

Make this one better.

For us, last year was about a lot of newness. After a year of losses, stress and sadness in 2021, 2022 brought us a lot of firsts. First holidays and birthdays without some of those people who were the most important. First days at new jobs, and for me the first time I have ever not worked full time in emergency medicine since I started almost 13 years ago.

It also brought us my boy, Frankie. Which my husband certainly did not know about until I brought him home on a cold February day.

The year brought us the first time we raised ducks and way too many chickens. The first (and second) time we got hit with our most modern plague and the first blog post and recipes that we shared with our friends and families.

This year, 2023, I hope we have growth. I know most people blabber on about this stuff like two weeks ago, but today is my birthday. I find that the year impacts me more after my age changes and I’m (theoretically) a year wiser.

I hope we grow our farm, our garden and our contributions to our community. I hope we grow our passport stamps and our blog posts. I hope we grow in our new careers.

I hope we all grow together and support each other better.

I want for this year to strengthen old bonds, there are people who used to celebrate this day with me that I miss dearly.

I hope to grow closer. To God, to my environment, my tribe and whatever this year brings me too.

I hope you find growth this year, reasons to celebrate just because and I hope you find that my words and my foods bring you some comfort and happiness.

Happy birthday to me. ♥️


Word Power

