

It’s not about you.

You are infinitesimal.

People try to make the whole world revolve. around their whims and wants and needs.


Life isn’t about you. You are small.

What you do, however, can be absolutely huge.

Picture it. You are standing in a room, one of a hundred people. What makes you stand out? It’s not just you being a shining, beaming light.

What makes you stand out is how you talk to people. Whose hand you shake or the one you hold to comfort.

You are not worthy of being all that and a bag of chips, girlfriend… unless you do something to deserve those Doritos.

Be kind and people will know you for your generosity of spirit.

Show up when people need it and you’ll have a reputation for being reliable.

Make jokes and people will come to you to be uplifted.

And recognize these, and of course other, attributes in those around you.

Who do you think of when you are at the lowest low? Who will always be there for you?

Who do you know can lend a hand a dole out that funny line when you need to smile?

Who is the nicest person you’ve ever met?

Maybe you can’t remember that persons name, but you remember how they made you feel. For a moment in time, the world connected you.

Make those connections, not because you’re networking, but because the world deserves more people who are trying.

Work hard.

Hone what you’re good at. Decide every day that you want to be better. Eventually, the world will see your progress.

Not because you posted it, or bragged about it. But because your light is burning anew.

Be good.

Then you’ll know upon your time to leave the world, you did your best, because you worked hard and became it.


A Last Kindness

