A Last Kindness

“You’ll never truly regret being nice to someone, but you might regret it if you weren’t”. -me

"We who are strong in faith should help the weak with their weaknesses, and not please only ourselves” -the Bible

Be kind to people. You never know who may need it the most.

In a world where we are taught that being self centered and putting yourself first should be your top priority, be the kind of person who puts others first, especially those that are in need.

My parents are the most profound example of this I’ve ever seen, sometimes to their own determent. They serve the family, their community, their state, eachother and in doing so, they serve God.

I try my best to do the same but it is hard sometimes, especially when the world no longer appreciates or recognizes the helpers and the healers. When the world celebrates the selfish and the self absorbed who scream their plight the loudest, those quietly serving and giving get overlooked or forgotten.

I’ve had friends who I have helped put together their lives, weddings, homes, helped them obtain their greatest wishes, only to have them seemingly forget my existence when I no longer suited their needs or I don’t fit in with their current narrative.

Do I regret or am I mad for helping them, never. Am I sad that they aren’t in my life anymore? Of course. But I recognize that people and circumstances change. And I also recognize that I am not the feel good friend who will “always support you, girly”, I am the friend that will speak the truth and speak to what I think is good and is right, which is often not what people want to hear. I know that is hard for people, it’s hard for me. It would be easier to just go with whatever idea someone has and not make a conscious effort to better them. But it’s not right.

I try to be gentle but, admittedly, I’m sure my words inadvertently come across as harsh sometimes and for that I am sorry, I truly mean what I say with love. And I say it because I think that truth is kindness.

I don’t want to be recognized for the things I do in quiet, I just think it could be nice to not be forgotten by those that I love. But alas, it isn’t about me. I can sleep knowing I tried.

And I hope you try too.

So go and give your last croissant to someone who maybe hasn’t had a nice treat or a kindness in a long time.

Lend a hand at the food cupboard or give a bed or a meal to a friend in need.

Bring comfort to those who don’t have what you are blessed with.

And share.

Share your time, share your experience, share your faith and share your love. Your heart is a vessel that is stronger than you know, there’s plenty of kindness in you just waiting for the moment you chose to not hold it for yourself any longer and choose to share it with the world.

You never know when your kindness may be the last act of love someone ever receives.

Rest easy P.C



