Farm Serenity

There’s an incredible sense of peace that accompanies a fresh blanket of snow and the smell of woodsmoke.

I’ve never been one to crave winter, in fact it has historically been the hardest and darkest season for me. But even in that midst I have (reluctantly at times) found profound beauty in the first real coating of snow.

In spite of myself, there is a special place for the way sandy snow crunches and crumbles beneath my boots, inside my soul.

The world feels a little smaller, closer and more personal as you can see your footsteps and the trail you’ve taken. There’s comfort too in knowing what else has stepped beside you or before you.

This morning as the sun rose and painted the sky shades of cotton candy pink and blue while the chill of the air nipped my nose I found peace for a moment.

Coming inside after caring for the ducks, chickens and this one goose who thinks it’s a duck, and after hauling hot water for them (definitely the bane of my winter farmer existence), I found warmth and a French press ready for me and filled with caffeinated gold. Knowing my animals are cared for and set up for the day and I have a moment to enjoy some coffee and maybe some yoga is my farm serenity.

Don’t forget that even in the times that feel the hardest, where you may be frigid and miserable, there are still beauties in life that can be seen if you only face away from the hardships and set your heart on happiness. Find your serenity and latch onto it.

I have faith that you can.


Finding Quiet

