
The choices that we make, the attitudes we carry, the decisions we refuse to reconcile affect not only our lives but the lives of those around us.

In a world that is becoming more self-serving and centered, we forget that what we do and who we are impacts others. Most directly, we impact those that live with us or those in our immediate circle, our tribes. Those people are our most important people. What we do matters to them and we should remember to take care to protect them. Be it from a storm in the world, the weather or within us, we need to shelter them when we can.

But what we do also impacts those that aren’t as immediately affiliated with our lives. People forget that.

We live in an age where finding, accessing and “knowing” people is easier than it ever has been. But that has changed much of our human nature.

Our nature wasn’t to be surrounded by influences, pressures or hoards of people that we barely know but now for some reason crave their approval for a hit of dopamine to keep us going.

We were meant to have people. We were meant to have families and friends and loves. We were not meant to depend on people who we don’t know, however.

I think that people are realizing this and it’s a hard realization. I think that through an unprecedented sheltering-in -place, people started to again crave finding a tribe to actually belong to, not just a handheld box that dings, that ultimately means little in the vastness of this life.

But now, as the distance and screen between friends becomes lesser and we transition back to human contact, we need to remember that we cannot hide our true faces so easily without the shield of an electrician veil.

How we are, what we do, how we move and speak and look into peoples eyes all matters.

What we do or do not do matters and can burden or alleviate those who we hold dear.

Remember to be kind. Go with compassion.

Choose kindness over cruelty.

Make the decision, don’t let it linger over you like a black cloud longer that it needs to. Life has enough hardships, we don’t need to manufacture our own.

Make your choice for yourself but also for the world around you. For you are of this world and in it, what you do always matters.


Farm Serenity

